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Ratings and Reviews for  Veniard Starter Tool Kit

Product Rating
1 / 5
Scissors are poor, bobbin holer is so tight the thread breaks. I expected much better from a Veniard product.
Rob K. 11/27/2017 at 23h36
Thank you for your review. This however seems totally out of sync with other reviews & feedback we have received, & if contacted could have helped you.
Ref the bobbin holder,it could be a bobbin holder issue, any tiny snag or imperfection can cause the thread to snap, however we have never a complaint, so do not think this is the cause, but it is not impossible. If it is, happy to exchange.
Not sure what type of thread you are using, if old or really thick may cause issue, try a different range it may be this as the cause. The most common issue when tying is make sure you are not nicking the thread on the hook point when making turns. Also you could try bending the metal arms outwards, so releasing some of the tension on the thread, this should cause less abrasion to the thread.
With the scissors, again without information difficult to diagnose, and we need to understand what you are trying to cut.
Troutcatchers 11/30/2017 at 15h47