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Ratings and Reviews for  Turrall Cock Hackles - Select

3 / 5
2182-Choice : 2182-Red / Brown
I bought two of the Turall Cock Hackles - Select in Grizzly and Red/Brown. The Grizzly batch was not as good as the rest. Maybe I received the least quality ones... Hence my 3 star rating.
Bruce A. 4/8/2021 at 08h25
3 / 5
2182-Choice : 2182-Olive Light
Much too small, was hoping for larger hackles.
John M. 1/10/2018 at 20h15
Thank you for your review - choose the 'General' for the larger size. Will get in touch to see if you wish to exchange.
Troutcatchers 1/10/2018 at 20h24