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Ratings and Reviews for  Veniard Strike Indicators

3 / 5
2557-Colour: : 2557-Fl. Orange
Yet to see how they attach to hook. To just pass the leader through surely they would just slide down the line? I wonder if a float stop would be needed?
STEVE K. 3/8/2021 at 07h53
Thank you for your review, a simple knot, or a loop through eye of indicator with end threaded through loop before tightening. Hope this helps.
Troutcatchers 3/8/2021 at 09h35
3 / 5
2557-Colour: : 2557-Fl. Orange
Too small for Argentina flies.
ROGER B. 6/18/2019 at 15h51
3 / 5
2557-Colour: : 2557-Fl. Orange
Look well made, but have yet to try them out.
Colin D. 8/23/2018 at 13h18