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CCT Body Fur

(Code: 410-HP-1-1)
£ 4.67
1 In Stock
410-Select Colour :

CCT Body Fur fly tying material

 supplied to troutcatchers from Veniard, a superb fly tying material which will result in great fly patterns.

CCT Body Fur is a synthetic hackle which can be wound to make a full body, then trimmed to shape. The CCT Body fur is also useful for collars and tails; it is easily marked with Promarker pens. CT Body Fur available in 7 colours. 1.8 meter pack.

CCT Body Fur
just one of over 4,000 quality Fly Tying Materials & Fly Tying Tools that troutcatchers have in stock, order with confidence being assured of a 5 Star Service and Price Guarantee.