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Crystal Mirror Flash

(Code: 721-HP-1-1)
£ 5.87
Shopping Satisfaction
9 In Stock
721-Select Colour :

Crystal Mirror Flash fly tying material

 supplied to troutcatchers from Veniard, used extensively for tying modern and traditional fly patterns.

Crystal Mirror Flash - Troutcatchers most popular Mirror Flash winging and tailing material. Crystal Mirror Flash is twisted to give light reflecting qualities which need to be seen to be believed. Crystal Mirror Flash available in 6 popular colours.

Crystal Mirror Flash
just one of over 4,000 quality Fly Tying Materials & Fly Tying Tools that troutcatchers have in stock, order with confidence being assured of a 5 Star Service and Price Guarantee.
Customer reviews
Shopping Satisfaction
721-Select Colour: : 721-Peacock Black
Excellent veniard product.
James w.
Shopping Satisfaction
721-Select Colour: : 721-Blue
Tony R.
Shopping Satisfaction
721-Select Colour: : 721-Red
Tony R.
Shopping Satisfaction
721-Select Colour: : 721-Peacock Black
Tony R.