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Frankie McPhillips Traditional Irish Dubbing

(Code: 364-HP-1-1)
£ 3.87
Shopping Satisfaction
1 In Stock
364-Select Colour :

Frankie McPhillips Traditional Irish Dubbing - Irish Fly Tying Material, specially blended by Frankie, these traditional Irish Colours have been authenticated by E.J. Malone. Also available in a Frankie McPhillips Traditional Irish Dubbing Box (choice of 4)

Frankie McPhillips Traditional Irish Dubbing Choose from 48 Colours in 10 gram packs

Frankie McPhillips Traditional Irish Dubbing developed and used by Frankie Mc Phillips for over 25 years in tying flies commercially for the Irish market. The 48 dubbing shades will enable the fly-dresser to tie the widest and most authentic range of Irish Trout and Salmon flies possible, from the old favourites, i.e. Mallard and Claret, Sooty and Golden Olives to the newer Bumble and Dabbler patterns. Traditional Irish Dubbing is also suitable for tying all your dry and emerger patterns e.g. mayflies and sedges, when used in conjunction with good quality cock hackles.

The blends have been authenticated by E.J. Malone, author of "Irish Trout and Salmon Flies”, an expert fly-dresser and probably the country's leading authority on Irish Fly Patterns. Traditional Irish Dubbing is available in packets (48) and boxed selections (4). "The authentic Irish Dubbing for authentic Irish flies"

Frankie McPhillips Traditional Irish Dubbing, just one of over 4,000 quality Fly Tying Materials in stock.
Customer reviews
Shopping Satisfaction
364-Select Colour: : 37. Purple Shrimp
Quality materials cheers.
Martin W.
Shopping Satisfaction
364-Select Colour: : 9. Green Olive
To me a standard dubbing. I am trying another animal based dubbing but F McPhillips always ties well.
Richard h.
Shopping Satisfaction
364-Select Colour: : 19. Donegal Blue
Looks great.
Andrew D.
Shopping Satisfaction
364-Select Colour: : 24. Black
Malcolm W.
Shopping Satisfaction
364-Select Colour: : 14. Medium Claret
Good quality.
Shopping Satisfaction
364-Select Colour: : 24. Black
Not used yet but texture/ feel all look good.
Sandy B.
Shopping Satisfaction
364-Select Colour: : 42. Burnt Orange
Brilliant dubbing.
Stephen f.
Shopping Satisfaction
364-Select Colour: : 17. Ballinderry Black
Excellent best quality available.
Gavin M.
Shopping Satisfaction
364-Select Colour: : 18. Cow Dung
Top notch.
Gavin M.
Shopping Satisfaction
364-Select Colour: : 34. Green Drake
A corker of a dubbing..the best.
Gavin M.