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Half Buck Tails

(Code: 598-HP-1-1)
£ 8.87
Shopping Satisfaction
3 In Stock
598-Select Colour :

Half Buck tails fly tying material

 supplied to troutcatchers from Veniard, a superb fly tying material which will result in great fly patterns.

Half Buck tails - Quality Bucktail from Veniard, which have a huge variety of uses and is the standard winging material for large Streamers, Salmon and Saltwater. A medium to coarse hair of approx. 100-125 mm in length. Note: These are not a colour extracted Bucktail, but they have been expertly tanned and dyed to eliminate oil and unpleasant smells. They are a natural product dyed, and therefore the central part of the Bucktail will be darker than the external fur. The Natural White Bucktail is what is says, natural so whole Bucktail is not 100% white, again the middle will be natural brown. Bucktail available in natural and dyed colours.
Note picture shows whole bucktails, this listing is for half tails - Available are Whole Bucktails which will give better value for money if you need a larger amount of fur.

just one of over 4,000 quality Fly Tying Materials & Fly Tying Tools that troutcatchers have in stock, order with confidence being assured of a 5 Star Service and Price Guarantee.
Customer reviews
Shopping Satisfaction
598-Select Colour : Natural / White
David R.
Shopping Satisfaction
598-Select Colour : Yellow
David R.
Shopping Satisfaction
598-Select Colour : Orange
David R.
Shopping Satisfaction
598-Select Colour : Magenta
Good quality materials.
Harry B.
Shopping Satisfaction
598-Select Colour: : 598-Natural White
As advertised.
Gary K.
Shopping Satisfaction
598-Select Colour: : 598-Fl. Orange
Good quality.
Chris B.
Shopping Satisfaction
598-Select Colour: : 598-Yellow
Good quality.
Chris B.
Shopping Satisfaction
598-Select Colour: : 598-Natural White
Quality product, good price and fast delivery.
Gary P.
Shopping Satisfaction
598-Select Colour: : 598-Chartreuse
Quality product, good price and fast delivery.
Gary P.
Shopping Satisfaction
598-Select Colour: : 598-Red
Nice buck tails with good quality fibres and even colour distribution. very fast delivery!
H W-D.
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