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Metz Cock Saddles Micro Barb - Grade 2

Metz Hackles
(Code: 2961-HP-1-1)
£ 70.37
Shopping Satisfaction
1 In Stock
2961-Colour Choice :
Metz Cock Saddles Micro Barb Grade 2 provide long, thin feathers that have very little taper and give you lots of feathers to tie dries in sizes #12, #14 and sometimes even #16. You will also be able to tie up to 10 flies from one feather.

Metz Microbarb Genetic Saddles offer outstanding value, recently challenging to source as the market for these feathers went crazy (along with Standard Saddles); people saw Steven Tyler (lead singer of the Boston-based rock band Aerosmith) wearing feathers in his hair on American Idol and everyone had to have them, the market for these Feather Hair Extensions is still red hot, however availability is now returning to normal as supplies have improved which is great news for the Fly Tyer (though some colours are still rare).

Metz Microbarb Saddles are available in two grades, Metz Microbarb Saddles Grade 2 and Metz Microbarb Saddles Grade 1, with the Grade 1 providing more feathers that are longer in length for a useful guide to all things Metz and choosing the correct Neck or Saddle for fly tying, click here.
Customer reviews
Shopping Satisfaction
2961-Colour Choice : Grizzly
Good stuff.
David M.
Shopping Satisfaction
2961-Colour Choice : 2961-Black
Very good cape.
Alexander H.
Shopping Satisfaction
2961-Colour Choice : 2961-Grizzly
Excellent quality.
Neil B.