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New Zealand Strike Indicator Tubing

Strike Indicator Company
(Code: 5503-HP-1-1)
£ 9.17
Shopping Satisfaction
61 In Stock
Indicator Tubing :
New Zealand Strike Indicator Tubing - Available in TWO SIZES - Regular and X-Large
  • Highest Quality Tubing - The exact properties required for demanding conditions
  • Grips Leader and Never Slips
  • Doesn't Burn or Harm Leader - Tubing holds true but doesn't burn mono when adjusting
  • Tough - Can be adjusted all day long
  • Perfect Diameter - The exact optimal size
  • "Sucks In" Wool Indicator - Pull on tag ends and watch wool get "sucked into tubing"
  • Lasts Years - Individual tubing sleeves can be used multiple times
  • Regular Size - Will float two size 14 tungsten bead head nymphs or trim down for fishing the smallest midge (tip - trim to size 16 dry fly!)
  • Xtra Large Size - Available if you fish lots of weight
  • We give you plenty – probably a lifetime supply – and you will not find a better system to meet your strike indicator needs.
New Zealand Strike Indicator tubing is the ultimate material to make the special sleeves for the indicators. There are all kinds of materials out there for making indicators. This is the very best after years of research and development.
New Zealand Strike Indicator works in warm or cold conditions and is specially manufactured to meet the demanding conditions fishermen find themselves on the water. It provides the perfect size and tension for the indicators to hug the fishing line and yet still move when you want it to. Carefully engineered, it will provide you with optimal size and adjustability.
Customer reviews
Shopping Satisfaction
Indicator Tubing : 2ft Tubing-X-Large
Easy to use and makes bigger indicators.
Chris S.
Shopping Satisfaction
Indicator Tubing : 3ft Tubing-Regular
Quality tubing.
Colin m.
Shopping Satisfaction
Indicator Tubing : 3ft Tubing-Regular
Quick & as ordered.
Steve S.
Shopping Satisfaction
Indicator Tubing : 3ft Tubing-Regular
Bought extra tubing but found that the tool comes preloaded.
Cut it into 5mm lengths and added it to the tool.
Bill M.
Shopping Satisfaction
Indicator Tubing : 3ft Tubing-X-Large
Quality service and product fit for purpose intended.
Jon p.
Shopping Satisfaction
Indicator Tubing : 3ft Tubing-X-Large
Bought this because sometimes Icant get a big enough indicator to support heavy flies using the standard tubing.
Keith N.
Shopping Satisfaction
Indicator Tubing : 3ft Tubing-Regular
Goos solid tubing.
Iain G.
Shopping Satisfaction
Indicator Tubing : 3ft Tubing-Regular
Simplistic and highly effective.
Steve P.
Shopping Satisfaction
Indicator Tubing : 3ft Tubing-Regular
Beware trouts!
Cindy A.
Shopping Satisfaction
Indicator Tubing : 3ft Tubing-Regular
Philip S.