
01933 388281
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No Knot Eyelets

(Code: 1591-HP-1-2)
£ 1.97
(-15.23%) £ 1.67
Shopping Satisfaction
161 In Stock
1591-Choice :
No Knot Eyelets, a brand new leader connector from the USA - Massive seller since launch helping 100's of fly anglers around the World.

No Knot Eyelets, designed for all braided core fly lines; they will replace looped connectors or needle shots. The eyelets are virtually weightless & incredibly strong.
The No Knot Eyelets with 2 sliced 'barbs' on the shank and an eyelet on the end. Simply push the pin in to the end of your fly line and 'tap home' with a small hammer or any metal object. Once correctly in place, the barbs will offer incredible grip which is stronger than the tippet. On light dry-fly lines they improve presentation substantially whilst on heavier distance lines you don't get the tip cracking problems associated with the 'hinge-point' on braided loops.

Packs of 3 No Knot Eyelets, instructions are on the pack.
  • -Small for Fly Line Weights #2 to #5
  • Large for Fly Line Weights #5 to #9
Customer reviews
Shopping Satisfaction
1591-Choice : 1591-Small - nke-sb
Excellent product.
David L.
Shopping Satisfaction
1591-Choice : 1591-Large - nke-lb
Excellent product.
David L.
Shopping Satisfaction
1591-Choice : 1591-Small - nke-sb
Barbs were flattened and didnt grip on two of first package. Replacements were fine though. Really a bit difficult to insert as so fine and nearly impossible to embed without the point piercing through the line. However once inserted it seems to hold well.
Josef A.
Shopping Satisfaction
1591-Choice : 1591-Large - nke-lb
Simon H.