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Patagonian Hares Feet

(Code: 6086-HP1-4)
£ 4.97
Shopping Satisfaction
1 In Stock
6086 - Colour :

Patagonian Hares Feet fly tying material

 supplied to troutcatchers from Veniard, a top quality fly tying product.

Patagonian Hares Feet, Brand New from Veniard. Packed as a pair of feet, the Patagonian Hares Feet is soft with dense fibres that give waterproof qualities like Cul De Cunard (CDC). Patagonian Hares feet are superb for parachute posts, Wulff wing posts, wings and tails, even try it as dubbing which works great. Patagonian Hares Feet packed as a Pair, choose from a large range of colours.

Patagonian Hares Feet
just one of over 4,000 quality Fly Tying Materials & Fly Tying Tools that troutcatchers have in stock, order with confidence being assured of a 5 Star Service and Price Guarantee.
Customer reviews
Shopping Satisfaction
Colour: : Olive
Great quality.
Bob B.
Shopping Satisfaction
Colour: : Golden Olive
Great quality.
Bob B.