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Stonfo Morsetto Tubefly Vice

Stonfo Morsetto Tubefly Vice

(Code: 4839)
£ 168.27
Central Warehouse - Dispatch 2-3 days.
Stonfo Morsetto Tube fly Vice, a high technological tube fly vise designed to work with a large range of tube sizes. The Morsetto Tube fly Vise's shaft is in-line full rotary thanks to dual precision ball bearings. The ergonomic shape and the double diameter hand wheel add to its functionality. The tube fly vice includes 3 accurately machined graduated pins and 2 cylindrical pins for tying on all different tubes. Other features include: adjustable tying angle, adjustable rotary tension, locking position to 0, adjustable height. Supplied with pedestal base, spring material clip, Allen key and instruction manual.Note: Special Order. Usually available 3 to 5 days.