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Fly Tying & Fly Fishing Equipment
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Veniard Fly Tying

Veniard Fly Tying Materials, Tools, Vices & Kits

Veniard Fly Tying has been partners with troutcatchers since 2002 listing the entire Veniard catalogue on the website. Having weekly, sometimes twice weekly deliveries troutcatchers always hold good Veniard stock, and if we do go out of stock can be replenished very quickly.

Veniard, since 1923 have been supplying top quality fly tying material and fly tying tools s to the world when Mr Ernest and Frank Veniard started collecting feathers from London poultry markets for hat mounts and brooches.This in turn led to limited supplies for fly tyers. By the mid 1930’s the Veniard brothers produced their first Fly Tying Catalogue. By the start of WWII the company already had a reputation for supplying top quality fly tying materials.
The late 40’s saw a big rise in the leisure industry this coupled with public access to trout fishing led to a Fly Tying boom period for Veniard.This lead to a shortage of home grown materials and forced the Veniard to look overseas for supplies.
The 50’s 60’s saw Veniard continue to grow with weekly visits to the Fly tying factories of the midlands the norm.
There have been major changes since then at Veniard with the arrival of synthetics, genetic hackles and specially designed tools. But through all this Veniard have, and still remain one of the top fly tying suppliers in the world.
Veniard CDC Gel
Veniard CDC Gel
£ 5.87
Petitjean CDC Oil
Petitjean CDC Oil - from Marc Petitjean comes this top quality CDC Oil. The CDC oil is used as 'barrier cream'. A drop on the body of your fly will protect them from fish slime and other elements. The oil comes in a small bottle which can be attached to your vest.
£ 12.57
Silicon Oil Spray
Veniard Silicone Oil Spray works by just spraying the silicon oil onto your dry fly, this top quality spray will keep your flies afloat.
£ 6.77
Veniard Gold Snips
Veniard Gold Line Snips - Top quality snips. Great for cutting leaders. These Snips come with a needle for clearing hook eyes or picking knots.
£ 4.97
Veniard Tungsten Carbide Snips
Veniard Tungsten Carbide Snips. The cutting blades are Tungsten carbide inserts which cut smother and stay sharp longer than any other edge. With a needle for clearing hook eyes or picking knots. These Tungsten Carbide Snips are the best snips you can buy.
£ 10.97
Sprung Loaded Ghillie Nippers
Veniard Sprung Loaded Ghillie Nippers with a fold-away hook eye cleaner, these nippers are ideal for maintaining your gear while on the riverbank. Designed with a unique chartreuse finish for high visibility and interchangeable jaws for easy maintenance, they offer exceptional performance. The spring-loaded mechanism and the built-in eyelet for attaching to a zinger making them not only user-friendly but also incredibly functional.
£ 29.99
(-4.40%) £ 28.67
Sprung Loaded Ghillie Nippers - Replacement Jaws
Sprung Loaded Ghillie Nippers - Replacement Jaws. High-precision, durable jaws are designed exclusively for the Sprung Loaded Ghillie Nippers to make your time on the water easier and more enjoyable, ensuring a sharp, effortless cut every time.
£ 7.57
Veniard Strike Indicators
Veniard' s Strike indicators are aerodynamically shaped shaped like small shuttlecocks to help casting. The strike indicator is made of yarn and attached to a clear tube with a small nylon loop at the bottom for ease of mounting on to your leader. Once attached the indicator is easily moved so you can quickly change depth. The indicator sits high in the water and you have a choice of four different colours to suit the conditions.
The strike indicators come in packs of five, colour choice includes, Fluorescent Orange, Fluorescent Chartreuse, Fluorescent Pink and white.
£ 4.97