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Metz Feathers & Hackles

Metz Feathers & Hackles - Cock & Hen Hackles
Metz Feathers & Hackles
 after nearly three decades as fly-fishing's leading purveyor of the highest quality genetic dry fly hackle, Metz continues to produce premium hackle for all of your fly-tying needs.

Early pioneers of genetic engineering techniques, Metz selected and raised stock specifically for hackle production. Over nearly three decades, Metz has been the industry leader in producing high quality fly-tying hackle. Located in the heart of Pennsylvania among the historical roots of fly-fishing, Metz is grounded in fly-tying heritage.

Metz Cock & Hen Hackles, a name synonymous with quality, and a team dedicated to service, Metz is determined to move fly-tying to the next level of excellence.
Learn more about 'Metz Feather & Hackle Fly Tying Material' here.

Metz Cock Half Necks - Grade 3
Grade 3 Metz Cock Half Necks, still with a wealth of stiff hackles. An excellent choice for the all round tyer. The half cock neck offers great value for money for tiers not wising to purchase a complete neck.
£ 30.77
Metz Cock Necks - Grade 1
Grade 1 Metz Cock Necks are selected for perfection for the fly tier, a great range of colours and stiff hackles, sized down to the smallest of dry flies of which these capes can provide hundreds of flies. The fly tier connoisseur's choice.
Choice 13 colours of Metz Cock Necks - Grade 1.
£ 89.97
Metz Cock Necks - Grade 2
Grade 2 Metz Cock Necks almost Grade 1 but with not quite so many of the very small hackles, but definitely the best grade 2 the fly tier can buy.
Choice 13 colours of Metz Cock Necks - Grade 2.
£ 80.17
Metz Cock Saddles - Grade 1
Metz Grade 1 Cock Saddles offer an abundance of larger excellently formed hackles with good length for the fly tier. The first choice cock saddle for those tying larger fishing flies.
Choice 14 colours of Metz Cock Saddles - Grade 1

Limited Stock.
£ 66.47
Metz Cock Saddles Micro Barb - Grade 1
Metz Cock Saddles Micro Barb Grade 1 are superb hackles up to 12" (30 cm) long with stiff fibres suitable for hook sizes 18 and larger. These Metz micro barb capes will provide you hundreds of the very best quality hackles and a very high density of fibre. Perfect for the professional fly tier.
Choice 7 colours of Metz Cock Saddles Micro Barb - Grade 1
£ 91.87
Metz Cock Saddles Micro Barb - Grade 2
Metz Cock Saddles Micro Barb Grade 2, almost to Grade 1 standard with excellent hackles up to 11" (28 cm) long with stiff fibres suitable for hook sizes 16 and longer.
Choice 7 colours of Metz Cock Saddles Micro Barb - Grade 2
£ 70.37
Metz Hen Necks - Grade 1
Metz Hen Necks - Grade 1, soft and supple hackles full of mobile fibres ideal for nymphs and wet flies. The density of fibres in these hen necks prove the least expensive way to purchase hackles.
Choice 7 colours of Metz Hen Necks - Grade 1
£ 33.17
Metz Hen Saddles - Grade 1
Metz Hen Saddles grade 1, a large patch containing broad, soft, webby hackles.
Choice 7 colours of Metz Hen Necks - Grade 1
£ 23.47
Metz Magnum Cock Necks - Grade 2
Metz Cock Magnum Neck, Grade 2, these are large cock necks, full of hackles which are more flexible and softer than the standard Metz cock necks. Use these magnum necks for flies that are for size 16 hooks and larger.
The Metz cock magnum necks come with a choice of 14 colours including cream and grizzle of which are over dyed in a range of hot colours.
£ 46.87
Metz Magnum Cock Saddles - Grade 2
Metz Magnum Cock Saddles, Grade 2, Softer and webbier hackle than standard Metz cock saddles. Excellent for larger streamers, salmon and saltwater flies.
Metz Magnum Cock Saddles come with a choice of 14 colours (when available) including cream and grizzle of which are over dyed in a range of hot colours.
£ 56.67
Metz Cock Necks - Grade 3
Grade 3 Metz Cock Necks, still with a wealth of stiff hackles. An excellent choice for the all round tier.
£ 58.67
Metz Cock Saddles - Grade 2
Metz Grade 2 Cock Saddles are a popular and economical for tiers of larger flies. Hackles are not quite so long or so abundant as the Metz grade 1 saddle, but they are superb value for money as you would expect.
Choice 14 colours of Metz Cock Saddles - Grade 2
£ 50.47